We left Daly waters and headed east up the Carpentaria highway towards the gulf. Our trip was highlighted by a single lane highway that was straight as an arrow from start to finish. We stopped for sausages in bread, at a Truck pullover on the way, where we were greeted by 600 million flies. I fully understand the corks on the Akubra after that experience. About fours into our drive we drove past cape Crawford. Cape Crawford is the start of the Barkeley Highway which we would be travelling on in a couple of days. We reached Boorooloola where we were greeted with not a lot. The supermarket there was run by a Chinese couple, and because of the remote locality, were able to charge like a wounded bull for groceries. Our Caravan park was King Ash Bay, which was about 35km from Boorooloola, which was no dramas except for the fact it was 21km of heavily corrugated dirt road. Normally this would not be an issue, except our van is not off road and therefore copped a bit of damage on the way in (such as the loss of a stabiliser leg). Once a King Ash Bay, we were greeted by a lovely lady who was more then willing to help us out. She placed us right on the McArthur River, which made for a lovely vista in the morning and the evening. King Ash Bay is for the explorer or fishermen, if you are pressed for time, I would not consider Boorooloola or Bing Bong an essential part of your journey. However we can say we have been and seen Boorooloola and Bing Bong.
Score King Ash bay 38/100. Daly waters 53/100
TIP- Have a fridge capability within your car, the heat in the far North can stop your caravan fridge from reaching any great temperatures. Corrugated roads can slow your progress down to walking speed (No exaggeration)